Promoting YOUR extensions business part 7!

Promoting YOUR extensions business part 7!
Social media is KEY to connecting and engaging people, so spend time getting it right! You get to create a community, invite and attract people into it based on their interest in you. You have complete control of what you say, and reach out to your audience whenever you want. Not only that you can also see whether they like what you’re saying as well as encourage them to share your message with others! WOW! Here are some of our tips to getting social media right!

Your Social Media Plan: Think about what you want social media to achieve and set a plan for content based on you and your audience’s interest to keep them engaged.
Balance Content: Social media is 'SOCIAL' so use it to socialise, build relationships and earn trust. 20% of your content should be brand/sales/marketing related and 80% should be social and interesting content that will engage your audience. Use that 20% to showcase your work and highlight services and promotions
Get Tagging: Depending on which platforms you use, remember to create and use #tags and @mentions so your content is searchable. Using #foxyhair #hairthatrox and @FoxyHair will help you benefit from our investment in PR too as it ensures your salon shows up in the work we do to promote Foxy.

For further marketing tips download our How to promote your hair extensions business PDF guide here
For further information visit our website: email us on or call us on 0845 0948403

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