Promoting YOUR extensions business part 6!

Promoting YOUR extensions business part 6!
Although we have already given you some marketing ideas, it's important to ensure your message and branding are consistent! Remember, every person is exposed to around 100 marketing and brand messages every day, so it takes time to build a profile and establish trust. Here are some marketing specific tips to help you do this.
The Right Focus: It's best to focus on doing less, but doing it really well rather than take a scattergun approach as one offs rarely get an immediate response or reaction, so be patient!
Long-term Commitment: Marketing is a long-term investment in your business and you will reap rewards if you accept the necessity to maintain your profile and build a positive reputation.
Get On Everyone's Lips: It's easy to dismiss marketing as costly but in the majority of cases, it's the way marketing is done that makes it ineffective. If you doubt it, think of 10 brands  in your head now…You'll probably find that they are big believers in marketing, PR and social media, and do it very well! The main reason to promote your business is to be on everyone's lips and minds and to create a profile and reputation. Do it right and the sales do come!

For further marketing tips download our How to promote your hair extensions business PDF guide here

For further information visit our website: email us on or call us on 0845 0948403

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