Promoting YOUR Extensions Business Part 2!

Promoting YOUR Extensions Business Part 2!
Fail to plan and you plan to fail! That's why it's important to create and manage a marketing plan. This is also because many businesses are reactive marketers. With media outlets calling to sell advertising and with so many opportunities coming your way, it's easy to commit to things. Here are some tips on prioritising and looking after your budget!
1. Set a budget so you know how much you can spend over the year. It can work against you if you book advertising upfront - many media outlets have last minute spaces to fill, so let them know you have a budget and are keen to hear from them regarding any deals. 

2. Go online! The reality is online/digital advertising, PR and social media reaches more people and you get more feedback regarding performance e.g. click rate stats, reach, number of impressions etc. You can also see how many people took action after seeing your content and how activities are performing - it can also drive web traffic or link directly to a promotion. 

3. Set aside a proportion of your budget for unforeseen opportunities. Sometimes things do come up that are worth supporting, but be selective.

4. Try to evaluate the success of your marketing. If you can evaluate campaigns to see what it achieved so you can try to figure out what works best/ This is easier with online, but it can help avoid repeating something that is ineffective. 
For further marketing tips download our How to promote your hair extensions business PDF here
For further information visit our website: email us on or call us on 0845 0948403

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